09 July 2006

Invisible Children

A dear friend did as he was asked by the cover of the DVD jacket and passed the video along to Briana and I. We are in a semi-speechless state. The trailer below does not really paint the appropriate picture of the whole story, and from what I gather these three great souls are back in Uganda right now filming a feature length version of this short documentary. My prayers and thoughts are with these incredible people. I am so proud for the impact that they are making in the lives that they touch overseas and at home in the states. These three men had no direction before they left for Africa and came back with such a pressing story. It reminds me of the question "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" I feel that this story is proof that the sound is being made. I am so grateful that someone was around to hear it. These children are certainly not invisible...they are tangible. They are forgotten. They have been ignored. The morale of the story is certainly not to have everyone travel to some foreign land to offer aid. I feel that the morale of the story is that we can all help in our own unique way. Some can afford to give money, others their time, but it seems that the biggest way that most can help is to make sure that as many people as possible know this story and others like it. Not so that we all walk around depressed all of the time, but rather that we appreciate what blessings God has given us. The Lord has put us in a position to choose to help rather than need help. This is freedom of choice. My heart goes out to these people. Please watch the trailer. Please go to InvisibleChildren.com to learn more. Get a copy of the DVD sent to you. Please follow your heart in this life. All there is, is love.

Please be patient, Video takes some time to load:

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