06 June 2006

The Announcement...

Part 1: Before the call

In about 25 minutes I will be on a conference call with the two district managers and 17 store managers that work in my area. I will be announcing my departure from the company.

This is tough. How do you effectively communicate your appreciation to a group of people who have worked their butts of for you in the past? In some instances today will be the end of a six year working relationship, for others it may be six months. They are so special to me.

I have no doubt that the call will go well, it is just funny to notice how the mind makes the uncertain time before an event so much bigger than the actual event.

After the call Briana and I will be meeting with the surgeon that will be working on me tomorrow. An update on the call and the meeting with the doctor will follow.

Part 2: After the call

The call went well. People were so kind. There is no way to find out how wrong you are about not needing others approval until they give it to you. It was very difficult to remain composed enough to utter the thoughts that were in my notes. I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to grow and learn. Not many 24 year olds get this type of opportunity. I will never forget the many lessons that my people have taught me. We will always be family.

The appointment went swimmingly. We are a go for the surgery tomorrow at 9am. If all goes well there may be a little one on the way in 2007!

God bless all!

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