Thank you Honesdale Rotary!
Last January I had the pleasure to give a presentation on the Himalayan Institutes's rural empowerment projects in Cameroon to a couple of local Rotary Club chapters.
It was so much fun! Rotarians are an amazing bunch. Their slogan is "Service above self" I can't think of a better better pursuit.
After the presentation the Rotary club decided to cut us a check for $1,000 to be used toward the expense of shipping a container of supplies that we will use to launch the Himalayan Institute Cameroon this coming fall. In their most recent newsletter, there was a short update on the progress, and this photo accompanied. Thought that I would share.
The container left our campus on 2 April, it has made a stop in Antwerp, then in Abidjan, and now it is on its' way to Douala. The container is set to arrive at its' final destination somewhere between 8 June and 14 June. Once we know it is in the port we will spring into action. There really is not a lot that can be done without these items, so we must have patience for it to arrive.
I should have some news on the revised travel plans soon, check back in a few days for the official plan!
-Matt D
More pics of donations:
Chelsea and Jeff will be included in the group of ten that will travel with Briana and I to Kumbo later this month.
These two "youngsters" are amazing. At 23 and 24 they have chosen a path quite different from the norm. When I was their age I was too busy trying to discover exactly how much beer would fit into my stomach, and how much money could fit into my bank account. I developed a beer gut and a sense that even a healthy income is no substitute for a life of purpose. These two have no idea how lucky they are to avoid those mistakes. In the future they will know how to make a healthy living helping other people along the way.
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