Well, the time has come to head to Africa. I will be leaving with a group of 10 to look into several logistical options for various projects in the country that range from energy farming to schools, to clinics, to cottage industry style jewelry production. The possibilities are endless. I am very excited to have an opportunity to be a part of this trip. This time Briana will stay behind because we have not yet nailed down all of the particulars. Once things are more concrete perhaps she will get to take a hop across the pond with us.
We will fly out of Newark airport for Paris on Saturday evening at about 7:10pm. The flight will last 7.15 hours. I plan to sleep as much of this as possible, but I will also bring the video Ipod along with some movies in case I cannot sleep. I think we will also have several chances to discuss the mission of the trip as well, but since the majority of the first leg of the trip will take place during normal Pennsylvania sleeping hours, the majority of the meetings will occur the following day.
Once we arrive in Paris there will be a 2 hour and 20 minute layover. We will leave for Douala from Degaulle airport at 10:30am and will fly south for about 6.35 hours expected to arrive in Cameroon at 5:10pm (UTC +1) on November 26th. (that will be 10:10 am CST)
Once we are there it will be a marathon of meetings, and travel within the country. The days will be long, but I know that they will be exciting. I will be sure to journal a good bit and share some of the journal on the blog when I get back. I will also bring my camera along and will post some video and photos to the blog as well. I am not planning to take my laptop along as it will not really be very useful to me and not worth the risk of loss and or damage from dusty conditions. Also there sill be no internet access where we will be (or so I am told), so it would not be a very viable tool of communication. Actually I am not certain how much contact I will have with home on this trip. Of course Briana will receive word that we landed safely, but I do not know if I will have a chance to speak with her for the 10 days that we are away, or if I will be going quiet for a while. If we do not speak, It will be one of no more than 5 days in the past 15+ years that we have not spoken to one another. That will be a new experience.
In case you have not noticed, the name of this blog has changed to something a little more appropriate. In the past 5 months I have been shown that fear can manifest itself in so many skins. To even try to say that all fears are gone would be a fraud. The path of selfless service however is very much our home right now. So the next time you see a person holding a sign that says 'will work for food', think of Briana and I, and by all means offer them something to eat.
Much love to everyone!
Matt D