31 August 2006
Welcome back old friend
This morning was different than most for me lately. My eyes jumped open at 5:07am and I shot out of bed ready to face the world. Perhaps it was my promise to become gradually more austere in my pursuit of a yogic lifestyle, or my old friend the sun sent me a message to come and bid him good morning. Either way it was a nice change not to feel tired and glued to the mattress.
I took a stroll out to what we call "sound of music hill" (because it looks exactly like the hill in the movie) to see what it is like in the early morning. It was amazing. The air was so full of energy that I found myself breathing much deeper than usual. It was as if I were trying to pull some of the energy outside of my body inward. I think that it worked. I feel great right now.
The sunrise was very nice to watch, even though it is still very overcast it was nice to get a glimpse of the sun. It is pretty evident that today will be much dryer and brighter than the past week of gloom and rain. I am so thankful for that.
I saw seven different deer this morning in a few different spots. If it is not completely evident, I really like seeing deer. I was in my office the other day with two co-workers who were all wrapped up in a discussion about an international shipment, tariffs, and God knows what else, and there was a doe and a button buck standing 5 feet from the window of my office. I totally spaced out of the conversation as they droned on and on about wooden pallets getting held up in customs because of beetles. Finally they noticed the deer, but did not seem to be nearly excited as I was.
This place still shocks me on a daily basis. It is so very beautiful. The deer on sound of music hill this morning were there before the lights came up, and so was I. I think that when I started to come into focus that I really put a downer on their morning. These were big deer, possibly rarely seen bucks. They stomped their hooves at me, blew, and snorted very loudly. Then they did something that I had never seen a deer do. They bounded off behind a thin tree line making all sorts of racket on the ground with their feet while blowing all the while. Then a moment or so later three heads popped out of the edge of the tree line to check me out. They actually got closer to me by using the tree line as cover. Typically deer just run away and are never seen again, these three put on quite a show.
So step one of the yogic lifestyle happened. I woke before the sun this morning. This of course was unaided by any alarm clock. I hope that this behavior will become habit. The early morning air is so special. I would like more of it in the future. Perhaps soon more aspects of yoga will come to me. I will keep the internet posted. You check back if you would like to know.
Posted by
Matt D
7:24 AM
27 August 2006
A lot of rain going on.
All of this humidity makes me sluggish. Oh sun, please grace us with your presence again! You are so missed.
Posted by
Matt D
11:51 AM
21 August 2006
Passports are in!
So now we have the means to be international...Should we go somewhere? Let's give it some thought.
Matt D
Posted by
Matt D
8:48 PM
18 August 2006
She thinks my tractors sexy...
This is the first time I have mowed a lawn in at least 12 years. Mom, if you would have gotten us one of these we could have avoided so many arguments when we were younger ;)
Well, I suppose it is time for an update. Things are moving rapidly up here, so it has been hard to find some time to post. Right now for the most part I have been getting settled into my full time line of work which is managing the sales and marketing for our nasal irrigation and natural supplements division. There is so much to be done! Today alone I spent the entire day combing through one of the two web sites that are used to promote the products hat fall under my area of responsibility. Tomorrow will be dedicated to the other. Then Monday or Tuesday I will sit with the webmaster and begin the arduous process of untangling the web of issues. I have taken on a data entry assistant as of last Tuesday, so that is a big help. She is very enthusiastic to help, so it has been easy getting her committed tasks. Aside from that there has been so much personal research into the product line, different methods of distribution, existing accounts, and marketing strategies. This is going to be a lot of fun, and a tremendous amount of growth for me in the next 6 - 8 months. That is the current full time responsibility.
"So what about Africa?"
That is a part time thing right now. I have been to several formal and informal meetings about this subject. Things are progressing very quickly. Right now there are negotiations going on with 3 more African nations to develop sister projects to the one in Uganda, and the agricultural and geological teams will be heading to Uganda next month. Soon we will begin planting, and then there will be work to be done. Right now the business is serving the cause in the most practical way. Proceeds from all of the sales in my department benefit the oversea humanitarian projects directly, so right now sales and marketing is for a humanitarian purpose.
Briana is doing well in the bookstore. She is going to have that place revolutionalized rather soon. It is incredible to watch her grow into a management position. Either she has some hidden talent that she has been hiding, or watching me lose my hair these past 15 years has rubbed off on her. She would adamantly disagree with me, but she is way more poised in her first management role than I was. I was a mess!
Aside from cutting the grass, selling books and natural health products, and sowing the seeds of saving third world nations from hopelessness, there really is not a lot going on in our neck of the woods. Remember that the internet works both ways, and drop us a line sometime. Our addresses are not too terribly difficult to find on this blog.
until next time, take great care
Posted by
Matt D
10:59 PM
12 August 2006
So what does 30 feel like?
Well, to be honest it feels a lot like 29 did.
It has been a wonderful, quiet, lazy sort of day. We had a friend over for chai this morning and had great conversation with her. After breakfast I went into the woods in search of some more blackberries, and hit the jackpot. Later we will be making one of my favorite blackberry milkshakes…yum! After lunch Briana and I took a walk to the pond and found out that we have a canoe! So we went for a spin around the pond. It was a lot of fun, and it was Briana’s first canoe ride as well. I also got my bike up and running as well. Going for a spin down the hills was very fun, and for the first time ever I realized why those things have gears…to go up! In LA and TX we do not have anything but flat, so I am not sure if I ever really played around with the gears much at all.
I am not really sure what the rest of the day will be like, but I am sure that I will continue to take it easy today, and I hope to make it to bed early this evening. I have some next 30 year type of resolutions that I would like to put into place. Getting to bed early is sort of the mother of all of them.
To everyone who has called and sent a card, thank you so much. It was very much appreciated. Much love to you all.
AS far as this age thing is concerned I think that it is all in the head. Old is a frame of mind, a state of being. My friend has a quote in his book that says it best:
Perpetual Youth
By Swami Rama from “Love Whispers”
"A yogi does not measure his life by the years but by the breaths that he takes.
To say that he is old is an impossibility and a joke.
Old age is a mere reflection of the mind, and not of years.
Weakness and decrepitude creep in for lack of trust in truth, in justice, in oneself, or in ones kinsmen.
These are the signs of old age:
As soon as freshness and interest is gone out of ones life he is old.
When one talks about killing time, he is becoming old.
He who is interested in nothing is old.
He who is timid and afraid to undertake new enterprises is old.
One who has no self reliance is old.
One who repeatedly cries for help is old.
The habitual fault-finder and complainer is old.
One who values mundane wealth more than uplifting thoughts is old.
One who clings to life and does not let go is old.
He who does not enjoy humor and has lost his smile is old.
One who does not enjoy laughter is old.
One who does not enjoy the sound of birds or the beauty of a flower is old.
One who has no control over his limbs and is horrified of death is old.
One who does not enjoy stillness, quietness, and silence is old.
One whose mind is like a crowded bode full of strife and misery is old.
But one who remains in the garden of delight and smiles perpetually is young.
One whose heart is ever fresh, ever green, is ever young.
Even if he has lived for many years, he is better than anyone young.
But why contrast these two, young and old, for they are both childlike. The difference is that in old age the mind remains preoccupied with haunting memories of the past and is full of follies, while at a young age the mind remains preoccupied with curiosities and uncertainties. In old age the mind has had all the experiences. It still has desires that wander into the grooves of old habits, but the body does not follow. At a young age one lacks experience, and wild ambitions try to probe into the heights and depths of doubts and fears, wanting to gain new experiences. They give one zeal and hope, but, still inexperienced he stumbles many a time, hurting, being hurt, always unsatisfied. This hope of expectation keeps him seeking. The young person who lacks will, confidence, hope, and wisdom is not able to accomplish what he wants. In old age the charms have lost their allure, hopes are gone, the experiences are completed. There is nothing new to be relished.
The old man who keeps up his spirits and develops the art of admiring the beautiful is a beautiful old man. He is better than any young person. There are many young people who are like old people, and there are many old people who retain their perpetual youth and remain young.
Someone once said to his beloved, “old age is a matter of mind-if you don’t mind, it does not matter.” Oh old man, keep up your spirits, don’t be lonely. Don’t ever think that you are old, for thinking makes it so."
Blair, that passage was just what the Dr. ordered on a day like today. Thank you.
Posted by
Matt D
4:21 PM
06 August 2006
Attitude of gratitude
What an amazing week...
I started my full time assignment this week, and it has been wonderful to have a new challenge and opportunity to grow.
I have assumed the role of national sales manager for our herbal products line. The main focus will be on product selection, branding, positioning, and increasing distribution nationwide, and then ultimately on an international level. I am very glad to have an opportunity to develop my marketing and advertising skills with this role, as well as my knowledge of multi channel marketing and distribution.
This IS in fact strongly tied to the projects overseas in the fact that it will provide funding, operational support, and tangible product for distribution in the dispensaries overseas.
I am very excited about seeing this project mature as the forward vision is very well rooted. In the appropriate amount of time we will be moving forward with the Biofuel projects, but for now there is an enormous amount of work being done in the background.
Briana and I are packing our stuff for an overnight trip to New York to see some old friends of ours. It will be nice to get caught up.
I went for a hike this morning on one of the marked trails on campus. It was a real lesson in gratitude. I am so pleased to be here. I ran across a deer that was sitting under a tree. I was about 20 feet from her, and we both took the opportunity to observe one another. She looked very regal just enjoying the cool breeze of the forest. I was glad that she felt comfortable enough with me to not run away. I also stumbled upon a bunch of blackberries. They made for a great treat. As I was eating these blackberries I smiled because the only way for me to do that 7 weeks ago would have been to get in the car and drive to the grocery and pay $2.99 for something that apparently grows wild in the forests of the Pocono Mountains. I realize that where we are right now is not for anyone, but if I had the offer to live ANYWHERE other than here, I would gladly pass. This is the right place for right now…
Posted by
Matt D
12:33 PM