29 June 2006

Moving day...


Up 'til 1am last night packing. We took about an hour break to say goodbye to some friends up on the roof by the pool. It was a good time. I will miss them.

The moving co. should be here in a moment. More details about the move out process to follow.


the movers were about 10 hours late. We just finished loading. Going to push the drive back a day. Will be home on Monday rather than Sunday.

sooooooooooooooooo tired......

28 June 2006

Packing = :-( Coinstar = :-)

Packing for days now, almost done. I get grumpy when I pack, so things have ben tense round 'ya ;)

On a cooler note, we took a bowl ull of spare change that we had sitting around, and took it to a coinstar machine to turn the jinglers into folders. I estimated $17.28, Briana estimated $12.48. We actually walked out with $54.47!!!!! That is like better than finding a $10 bill in your freshly washed jean pockets!

Oh well, enough time spend bloging, need to get back on the pack!

26 June 2006

Craig, you are my hero!

Have been selling a bunch of stuff on Craigslist.com the past few days. It is so easy to do, free, and I cannot belive how many people check the site. Some items have sold in less than 10 minutes! Garage sales are a thing of the past.

Packing is going as well as packing will go. No matter how you slice it it is no fun. Our movers arrive on Thursday morning around 9am, and they should have us packed up lickety split as we really do not have much left to take.

Zoe helping Matt Recouperate after surgery

Last night was Zoe's (our dogter) first night with her new daddy. It was tough to not have her home around bedtime, but I know that it will get easier. Anyway, Zoe, if you are on the WWW and checking the blog, please know that you have been the best! Your little persoanlity will be missed a great deal. Look forward to having you in our lives again in the future.

20 June 2006

GPS navigation rocks!

Since we are going to be moving to unknown teritory we decided to take the plunge into GPS navigation. We picked up this wonderful item at Circut City last night. It is the Lowrance Iway 350c.

We started testing it this morning, and it works wonderfuly. If we would have stayed in Dallas it would not have been necessary, but driving around the Poconos is going to be stressful enough for a couple of flatlanders. Add lost to the mountain terrain, and we would probably become home bodies rather quickly.

Today was my first full day back to work, and I am feeling a little sore, but it is nice to be out of the house for a change.

19 June 2006

Nearing the end of a chapter

Briana and I are very happy to have signed a contract with United Van Lines to move us to our new home.

The price was quite reasonable which is key right now. Also it is so nice not to have to bother with hauling boxes to and from a truck!

I am healing nicely. I was sore on Sunday from working on Saturday, but that last bit of soreness and swelling seems to be fading now so I look forward to being 100%

This is the last week of work for both of us. Friday is our last day. It is going to be sad to leave behind such amazing companies and co-workers, but the hectic pace that lies before us will certainly distract form the sadness. I have been working on my last big project prior to departure, and if it is able to be implemented it will be a wonderful gift to leave behind. All of the stores will benefit from the streamlining that will occur if we can get this POS update to properly apply itself without issue. It will be nice to know that I will have saved them much time and headache in the future months until the permanent solution is in place.

That is about all for now, hope everyone is doing well!

Matt D

18 June 2006

World on Fire

$5,000 could cover the cost of hair and make-up for one day on set in LA or pay for one year?s schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan. Sarah McLachlan does the math and encourages you to join her.

Press play to watch video

Happy Fathers Day Dads!

15 June 2006

Whatcha Think?

We have made some changes to the blog design. Please leave some feedback in the chat box on the lower right.

I am back working full swing now, and it is nice not to be bed ridden. I have worked from home the past couple of days because it is more comfortable than my office, but productivity has been 100%

I think I will try the office tomorrow.

Other than that we are entertaining all options for moving, and in a flip flop scenario I am being the frugal one with the move. Briana is very set on hiring professionals to move us. That would cost $3,500 as compared to ~$1,800 for us to do it with a 16' Penske truck. She is the finance person, so ultimately it is her call.

14 June 2006

Growing wiser by the year 'eh?

We celebrated my good friend Travis’ 30th birthday last night. True to form in our circle, not a big to do was made, but it was nice seeing our little boy grow into a man ;).

The photos in this post are indicative of our newly found maturity as I will be joining Mr. Travis in the thirty something club this coming August. (for some reason making faces seemed like the right idea at the moment?)

Anyway, Travis, I love you like a brother, I hope that your next 30 years are your best 30 years! Happy birthday!

Matt D

08 June 2006


Posted June 14

Been healing nicely, went into work a few hours yesterday as per the recovery instructions. They were dead on; you do not know if you are over doing things until the next day. I am a bit on the sore side today, so work will need to be done from home.

A note about the surgery:

All of the best case scenarios occurred, so that means that Briana and I have about a 10% decrease in our ability to make a baby. That is pretty good odds in my opinion. My surgical team was wonderful. Everyone was so nice, it was as great of an experience as surgery can be.

Posted June 8:

Surgery went well. healing underway. more to follow

06 June 2006

The Announcement...

Part 1: Before the call

In about 25 minutes I will be on a conference call with the two district managers and 17 store managers that work in my area. I will be announcing my departure from the company.

This is tough. How do you effectively communicate your appreciation to a group of people who have worked their butts of for you in the past? In some instances today will be the end of a six year working relationship, for others it may be six months. They are so special to me.

I have no doubt that the call will go well, it is just funny to notice how the mind makes the uncertain time before an event so much bigger than the actual event.

After the call Briana and I will be meeting with the surgeon that will be working on me tomorrow. An update on the call and the meeting with the doctor will follow.

Part 2: After the call

The call went well. People were so kind. There is no way to find out how wrong you are about not needing others approval until they give it to you. It was very difficult to remain composed enough to utter the thoughts that were in my notes. I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to grow and learn. Not many 24 year olds get this type of opportunity. I will never forget the many lessons that my people have taught me. We will always be family.

The appointment went swimmingly. We are a go for the surgery tomorrow at 9am. If all goes well there may be a little one on the way in 2007!

God bless all!

04 June 2006

Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!

Grandma, this post is dedicated to you on your 90th birthday. I very much wish that I could be there to give you a big hug , kiss, and speak with you about whatever comes to our minds, but we are busy here in Dallas preparing for our move.

I want you to know that I love you dearly. You have been such a special part of my development as I have never had a greater teacher of unconditional love in all of my life. It is amazing how in the good times and the bad that no matter what any of your children and grand children said or did, the door of your heart was always open to them. Thank you for this, and all of the other life lessons that you have taught to me (even that white bread DOES taste good when dipped into maple syrup). :-)

I love you Grandma. You will always be in my heart.

Matt D

03 June 2006

from 'A Return to Love' - Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Fun night

Very tired.

Comments section has been removed. It just seems best. They were starting to get exclusive in the religion department, and this blog is an equal faith opportunity blog. We wouldn’t want someone to get offended, or feel the need to start a war or something.

If you have a comment for us, please email matthew@omlifeyoga.org, or a comment in the chat box.

We had a wonderful evening at our friend Blair’s lecture this evening. He really did well. We are proud of him.

Good night all!

Matt & Briana

01 June 2006

Car sold!

So one of two big items are out of the way. We just sold my car to a nice fellow named Mike. He is a college student right now, and is able to fix the problems that this car has himself, so He just saved about $3,000 off of retail! That is what I call win / win!

The sale of the car will cover the cost of my surgery and our move so we are so excited to not have to worry about these funds! This whole process has been amazing. Everything has been smooth as silk.